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Part - 2 : why should I do bhavana

Part - 2 :

why should I do bhavana

Siri Sudassanarama
sadaham senasuna
Ven. Dr. Mirisse Dhammika thero

Many people are burdened with the question “why should I do bhavana”? The following advantages of bhavana may provide the answer to this particular question.

1. If one is a busy person, one is able to find physical and mental relaxation.

2. If one is bereaved with sadness, one is able to find physical and mental relaxation and relief.

3. If one’s life is confused and problems are piling up, one is able to find physical and mental relaxation, relief, energy and courage.

4. If one lacks confidence, bhavana enables one to develop self-confidence and lead a successful life.

5. If one lives under constant fear and doubt, bhavana enables one to get rid of fear and doubt.

6. If one is unable to satisfy oneself with what one has, bhavana teaches one to achieve satisfaction with what one has and value what one has.

7. If one has shattered dreams, bhavana enables one to realize the impermanent nature of things and how to achieve success through courage and determination.

8. If one is wealthy, bhavana helps one to realize the true nature of wealth and to use it for the benefit of oneself and others.

9. If one is poor, bhavana helps one to feel happy with what one has and to embark on the right path of life to achieve success.

10. If one is young, bhavana helps one to learn how to control one’s mind and not get carried away by sense desires.

11. If one is an elder, one is able to spend the golden years with happiness through bhavana.

12. If one cannot control anger, bhavana teaches one to gain control of it and to get rid of jealousy whiletransforming one to be a person with patience, calmness and contentment.

13. If one thinks that one is controlled by the mind, bhavana will help one to gain control of the mind.

14. If one is addicted to wrongful sex, alcohol and drugs, bhavana will help one to recover from addictions and abuse.

15. If one has mental or cardiovascular illness or nightmares, bhavana helps one to get rid of those problems.

16. If one is intelligent, bhavana helps one to acquire wisdom and begins to realize by experience that the world is quite different to what one sees superficially.